MPBC Memorial Day Weekend Trip to Lancaster PA, May 23-26, 2014
Travel to the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch Country for bicycling on gently rolling hills, sightseeing, history, shopping, and plenty of good food and drink. Lancaster is the birthplace of James Buchanan, 15th President of the US. Information on the area is found at and
A getaway guide and map can be ordered online at
Accommodations at Mill Stream Country Inn, 170 Eastbrook Rd, Smoketown, PA
(800) 355-1143(800) 355-1143. Heated outdoor pool.
Rate is $410* per couple for doubles for three nights, including vouchers for one dinner each at Miller’s Smorgasbord and Bird-in-Hand and Deluxe Continental breakfast from 6-10 AM. You must mention Mass Park Bike Club when you make your reservations. MPBC membership required.
You can cancel any reservation until 3:00 PM, May 22, 2014.
*Singles – $380, Triple – $460, Quad – $510.
All rates include tax. Rides will be scheduled for all 4-days, Friday-Monday.
Any questions, call Fred Itkin, 631-957-4943631-957-4943. Please email me when you have made your reservations at